
Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Reflection - Islam

 Today we learnt that Islam pray 5 times a day and we are learning to write our names in  Islam. Our Student Teacher is Pakistan(Islam) and she believes in the god(Alah). She shared a little map on places that should mostly have Muslims. Here is a Islam sign. Star and Crescent - Signs and symbols of cults, gangs and secret societies  | Moon star tattoo, Moon tattoo, Star tattoos

This Symbol is in the  Pakistan flag also on the Arab flag.

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Reflection - Maths Observations.

 Today we had a maths observation, and our math problem was basically, 2.75 + 9.98 and we solved it using elgorthym well the others used very smart strategies. First Richies group presented the way he solved, which was: 

2.75 -0.02 = 2.73

9.98 + 0.02 = 10km

2.73 + 10km is 12.73.

By Viliami

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Kiwican with Room 7

 Today we had kiwi can in our class it was really fun playing in the amount of space that we played in, it was really fun the activities were really creative games. I learnt a lot about respect and I have to remember to respect everybody not just everybody, everything. After we ended everything we started playing GKQ which means General Knowledge Quiz.

  Kiwi Can - Kiwi Kaha - Graeme Dingle Foundation

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

PB4L - Covid-19 .

Today in our PB4L lesson we learnt the different ways we can protect ourselves from Covid-19. At our school we can't use the tap, We also use hand sanitizer after morning tea and lunch or even when we arrive at school. We also wear mask but we don't wear mask at school very often but we advise you do wear one.  We Saw how many cases deaths and How many Recovered from the united states.

Dettol Instant Liquid Hand Sanitizer Refresh Anti-Bacterial 200mlBuy Disposable Face Masks - 50 Pack – A1 First AidStream Basin Taps - Bath & Basin Taps | Mitre 10™

The Differences between Volume and Capacity.


When you measure Volume it is all about how much space there is in that hollow 3 Dimensional shape and you can only measure 3D shapes.


The Capacity  is how much of that Hollow shape can be filled and is the amount of something can contain and  you can only measure 3D and Hollow shape.Capacity Video Teaching Resources | ClickView

Friday, 4 September 2020

Room 7 - Act of kindness


Today Room 7 did an act of kindness where you pick a name from your class and you have to give a small or big gift, A friend of Mine Pitara was so thoughtful to buy me a box of Lollies, it even had a little quote. My Person was Pua I got him a packet of Picnic

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

This is a comic a made based on a text we read called Badge of honour.


The two main characters in this text is these two friends, Isaac and Tomasi they chosen to be a school captain but Tomasi thinks it is to much for him to handle, and his friend Isaac wants to keep him out of trouble, Tomasi gets into fight and comes to school with a little bruise under his eye. The Principle of the maybe found out about it, but he thinks he will get away with it because there school leaders.

Friday, 21 August 2020

316 blog comments - Room 7.

 Today our whole class manage to get up to 316 blog comments, it is a big achievement for our class as we are trying to get a lot of blog commenting done. Here is a little GIF a class member made to celebrate 316 blog comments.

NZ math site - Thursday/Friday - Millionaire middle Quiz.

Today I manage to pass both quizzes, Thursday and Friday. Both of these quiz was both Challenging and Frustrating get pass, but I thought, That I needed to finish it off, so I bounced back all the way to the end, and Finished both of the Quiz. These are the Certificates that I earned at the end of the Quiz.

Thursday Certificate:

Friday Certificate:

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

NZ maths site - Tuesday/Wednesday -Millionaire Middle.

 Today I worked on Tuesday and Wednesday quiz and I manage to past both quiz and earn a certificate at the end. It was  really stressful trying to finish off these quiz because they were both challenging and had some question I didn't understand.

Wednesday quiz:

Tuesday quiz:

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

This is my Lock down Flowchart/Screencastify

Here his a screencastify that I made so that I can break down my lock down flowchart for you.

Monday, 17 August 2020

Charles Darwin DLO

The Big Bang

Math test - Math Millionaire Middle 2020 Monday.

Today, I took a test from the NZ math site and I got 100%, at the end of it I got a Certificate to show that I've past the test. It took me a while but I manage to get there in the end.

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Poem called - The Rugby game.

Today we worked on poetry so I wrote a little poem called the rugby game.

The Rugby game.

As the ball is kicked
The boys will chase
He grabs the ball
And fends his face

He falls to the ground
With no one to protect the ball
“Get over their”
As the halfback calls

We scored our first point 
Waiting for the kick to go in
As his former player is
In sin bin

The game is tied
Onto golden point
As our captain got injured
In the joints

he goes to the sideline
In pain
His team will avenge him
Once again

The boys get ready
To give their best
He Bumps him off 
With his chest, 
Scores the trie and 
Wins the game
He hears people chanting his name

Home »

By Viliami.M

Monday, 29 June 2020

Marvel artists designs facemasks.

A Marvel comic artist has designed facemasks cover. It can be purchased on easy jet flights . He designed that mask to help kids feel relaxed on flights.Marvel Cloth Face Masks Are Now Available at ShopDisney | Marvel
The face mask has been designed by an Irish illustrator that has wrote Spider man comics and star wars. The feature lions and pilots are to be worn over young travelers face mask.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

The Benefits of making a winter garden.

Writing Viliami.Ma'asi . The benefits of making a winter garden. A winter garden is where you plant vegetables during winter, so that you make sure that your vegetables are not rotting. If you go on youtube you would find advertisements about winter gardening because people always Advertise during winter to help those who have their own garden at home. The kinds of veggies that you would mostly likely need to plant are Beetroot, Brassica’s, Broad beans, Carrots, lettuce and more. To make a winter garden you need preparation and a lot of thinking.

 The equipment you will need are gloves, Shovel and some bark to put around so you can keep the little insects out of the garden and stop them from eating the crop. People always use most of these to Plant vegetables. These tools help a lot because if you don’t have the right gardening tools then I think you are going to find it hard to make this winter garden. You must know what the tools are used for.

 A great time to plant your garden is during winter because, as your veggies are growing your vegetables won’t inherit any disease. You would have to find a good location for you and your vegetables to grow. The right time to be growing is June through September. Make sure you plant your garden in sunny sheltered spots. Winter can take care of pests but watch for snails and slugs.

 First you start by adding vegetable mix. Lay it all around and give it a good mix, so you can give your plants a good start to life. Then your selection of seed or seedlings is all up to you your choice on what you want to plant. Once you finish planting you then add pea straw mulch around your vegetables to keep the little critters away and once you have done all these steps then your plants are ready to grow. When you have finished planting, after a few days make sure to water regularly on dry weathers. To give your Plants a little boost you could buy liquid fertilizer. It will really speed up the process and help it grow faster.

Winter gardening can take care of the pest and disease but watch out for slugs and snails, if you have a problem with them just use quash. At the end just remember that you want to grow these plants so whatever spray you are using on the plants just check the instructions so you know what chemicals you are adding.

 The benefits of making a winter garden is that it saves a lot of money if you really think about and it also provides a lot of nutrients. Also during winter months it really helps ward off sickness, improve the immune system and keep the body running at an optimum level. It’s emotionally beneficial because it adds beauty and fragrance to the season.

Maths Activities - Taha

Click here to see closely
This is one of the maths activities that had worked on yesterday,
and I found the answer, the answer was 7 over 30 because, if you look at the question it is 5/6 - 3/5 
first I timesed the two bottom numbers 6 x 5 and I got 30 then 5 x 5 = 25, and now the Denominator is the same, so I did the same strategy to the other fraction.

Tuhi mai Gardening

Yesterday My group Tuhi mai and I gathered our stuff from home
to start a winter garden at school, some of us brought carrots, 
Broccoli seeds, cabbage, spring onions and some tools. We first started to 
add soil to it plant the Bok choi in one container. After we  went to go
plant the Broccoli seeds at the school garden. I made a little video about what happen when we started our own winter garden. 

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

My Education is Important to me.

Te oro - Work station

Today the senior block and I got ready to go to Te Oro. We went to school and room 7 and half of room 9 already started to hop in the bus. We quickly settled down and the bus driver drove off to Te oro. When we got there we went inside and waited for the Work stations to start. At the start the leader had leaded us in the karakia, after the teachers introduced them self to us and we split into groups. Me and my group went to the clay station. We sat down and she told us a story about how the world was full of colours. Next we got straight into it and she taught us a basic drawing, called Piko. We then learnt how to draw a mangopare and then we did kaperua which means reflection. I also learnt how to draw a Moari myth, the ledgendary Taniwha. My one looked very  cool. We then started to work with clay, we all created our own taniwha my one was really funny because it looked like spongebob. After the work station we all gathered on the mat. I made a special thanks to the teachers. After We waited for a while for the bus to arrive and pick us up. As the bus arrive room 10 and the other half of room 9 came because it was there turn to work with the teachers. It was really fun and awesome.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Brain session with Mrs. Turner.

Today at school Mrs. Turner a science, she knows a lot about the brain and today she visited our class to talk about what goes on inside our brain. I learnt about Neurons and what they are. I learnt that the back part near the brain stem is called the Cortex and the place where the thinking happens is called the Prefrontal Cortex and it is located right behind your forehead. I also learnt about the Amygdala, it is basically a smoke alarm, it detects danger and if it goes off you might fly off, freeze or fight with somebody. We then watched a video about how kids fix their anger. After our session Mrs. Turner left before lunch. I enjoyed learning about our brain and the parts of the brain that I haven't heard before. So I can't wait for our next session with Mrs.Turner.Brain (Human Anatomy): Picture, Function, Parts, Conditions, and MoreKnow your brain: Amygdala — Neuroscientifically Challenged

Home learning at home - Night study.

Today my family and I had our first Night study, we basically worked on our own things and it was educational. I worked on my explanation writing about how to make a winter garden and the benefits. We worked until 9:00.  My little brothers just did their own reading quietly while we did the digital stuff. After we finished we went to sleep early for school, little picture from our Night study.
By VIliami.

Math Dlo

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Steps on how to make a winter garden.

Click on  the poster
Today I made a poster on how to make a winter garden. My friend
and I worked on it and it has all the steps you need to make a winter

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Measurement - DLO

Today we worked on a Measurement here is the Problem :

Malakai's mother is making ta'ovala for all the boys in the Tongan group at school. Each boy needs 1 1/2 of mat and she has 30 metres. How many ta'ovala does she make?
My Strategy:
So basically we ad 1 1/2 20 times and we got 30 meters, since we added them in pairs we counted how many times we added them and we got twenty boys, so that means 20 ta'ovala for all 20 boys. 

Here is a little picture from when we shared in front of our
whole group, and other strategies that other groups used.

Group discussion with our teacher. How to make a winter garden.

Today my group and I, Tuhi mai worked with our teacher Mrs. Tofa. We basically talked about what we were planning to do next week. We all worked on the planning sheet, we wrote down what we need in order to make this winter garden. We need the roots of the Vegetable, Ice cream containers, Trowels, gloves and potting Mix.  We were done with our discussion and ready to move on to Writing.

Measurement problem - DLO

Last week we worked on Measurement problems and this
was the problem my group Taha had to work out.
Hope you learned about the strategy that I have used.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Bouncing back Video

Today we learnt about bouncing back and we also learnt
the acronym of what Bouncing back stands for, hope you enjoy
me and my friend video about Bouncing back.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Maths obervation with Mr. B in Room 7

Today we had Mr. B who came and observed while we work on math. We first looked at the problem and we tried to understand the problem. We then shared what we understood about the problem. Mrs.Tofa had put us into groups, I was the leader for one of them. Problem was 3/4 + 3/8 = 36/32. 36 over 32 was my answer along with my group. Here us a picture of our strategy we used.

Today we learnt how to add fractions with unlikely denominators

Friday, 5 June 2020

Adding fractions

Today we learnt how to add fractions using  more complicated strategies. 

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Pick a path Quiz - VILIAMI!!!

Today I made a little quiz using google slides. it is all about me. It only has a few questions so make sure to get them right.

Kawakawa plant fact sheet.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Class Debate on friday.

Last week we had our class debate and Dwayne and I were team leaders for one of the teams. We first had to get our teams ready for the debate and it was really difficult for us but, we manage to get our teams to cope with it and we were all ready for the Class debate. Our teams couldn't decide what team would go first so we held a Kahoot to decide who goes first and who goes last, the short of it is that my brother won and luckily he was in my team so we got to go last. so the debate went like this Dwayne went first and then I went with a bit of a long speech and all of our team members said the little speeches they made. After Mrs. Tofa our teacher had to decide which team won the debate but, she said "Learning Won" and was shocked but it was alright.  here is my debate speech.
Viliami's speech :

Good Afternoon my name is Viliami Ma'asi I am the leader of this debate team. The topic for today is, Lockdown should be extended for another 4 weeks and we are going against this statement, and my team members are Aisea, Richie, Gideon, Kuea and Jayden. First, we have Aisea, he is going to be talking about Kids not being able to see their relatives, Next we have Richie and His argument will be about how this lockdown is affecting kids learning. Then we have Gideon, where his argument will be about kids missing out on activities, And last but not least Jaydin will be our last speaker. So our team beliefs are that kids cannot cope with Covid-19 and this Lockdown, and they are so used to working at school, we believe that kids find it hard to work from home, and not just the children but the adults as well.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

An American man who lives in Colorado has won the lottery twice.

A man from America has won the lottery twice. His name is Joe B. He has been playing the same numbers for about 30 years. Joe played with his own numbers and also purchased another extra tickets. Here is a photo of him holding two checks in his hands at a drive thru.

Auckland museum comes to you.

During this lock down the  Museum hasn't been getting any visitors because Covid-19, But now they can experience  it online. Auckland museum at home is an online site that has a lot of stories, activities, and games puzzle. Visitors can find the information that want to learn about. Auckland War Memorial Museum, Auckland - Eventfinda

Here is a video about - if babies were in the olympics.

Here is short video about if cute babies were in the great olympics.

I used a site called Heroe machine to create my own avatars and name them.

Today I created my own Avatar using Hero machine. It is was a very cool site to use because it had a lot of accessories that you could put on and it also had a lot of cool clothing. Here is a couple of screenshots that took of my own Avatars.