
Friday, 19 October 2018

the library

The  library

On our way down the hill i was really excited to go to the library bus because I got to chose my own two books to read. Once we got there the librarian Erica and her friend Brett greeted us and welcomed us inside. She told us to all go to the very end of the bus because that was where the kids sit. First she told us where the fiction books go and where the nonfiction go. All of us went to find our books. While we were looking for books mr. nath was calling us one by one to come and receive our own library cards. Then our twenty minutes were over, and I was surprised that the time has gone. After, everyone found the books that they wanted. We  all went to Brett and gave our books to him. He scanned our books and and we hopped outside and went back to class. I had a good time at the library bus and I can’t wait for them to back next month.

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