Who discovered electricity?
- The person who discovered Electricity was Benjamin Franklin, he discovered it when he was experimenting with a kite.
Five reasons why we need electricity?
- Why do we need electricity, so that we can see in the dark?
- Another reason is so that we can call other people when we are endangered and when we need to call the ambulance.
- Everyone needs electricity because it makes people’s lives easier for their jobs.
- We all need electricity because you can message people around the world and you don’t need to watch programs on TV you can watch on your phone.
- We need electricity because we don’t need to do our work on paper and we can use computers and computers are better because it can save your work on your drive.
Life without electricity.
There once lived a young boy, named Tama, he lived in a town that had no electricity and nothing to do. He lived alone and his town was the most boring in the whole of New Zealand. His town was called Snoozeville, and it was like an abandoned place or desert. Tama always wished that he had electricity. There is a place that he always visits when he is feeling down and that's the old, Electricity tower.
One day, Tama went to the electricity tower and he sat down reading his books. While Tama was reading he heard a little spark come from above her. Tama didn’t care, so he continued reading. The sparks were getting louder and louder. Tama looked above him and saw some electricity was still working the tower. He turned on the switch on the tower and suddenly it powered the entire of Snoozeville.
Once Tama had powered Snoozeville with electricity he looked outside to see the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He went to his town and all of the lights were on and he could see everyone in Snoozeville. Everyone started coming out of the houses and saw the lights everywhere, But when Snoozeville was powered so was the Androids that were made from vibranium. Tama realized he had made a mistake.
Tama ran back to the electricity to turn it off but once he reached the electricity tower Androids were surrounding it and it looked like the Androids weren’t gonna let anyone in. He tried to sneak his way in but they did not let him and they chased him away. The androids were locking people into cages. The Androids took over Snoozeville, but it wasn’t called Snoozeville they changed it to Droidville. “I miss playing with rocks,” said Tama.
Tama attacked one of the androids and programmed it to fight other androids. He took the android and used it’s blasters to free the other citizens. When all of his people were free they marched to the electricity tower. They marched up to the Androids and locked them up into cages. As soon as they were done, Tame climbed up into the Tower and he quickly ran to the switch but there was one Android left, he attacked Tama and they started fighting. Tama reached for the switched and pulled it, all the Androids turned off and after that, they boiled them in lava. Their city had no electricity but it was better that they didn’t have it but at least it was back to normal.
This is a great narrative you have written Viliami. Very entertaining and detailed. Your facts are also very informative. Well done.