
Monday, 17 February 2020

Swimming in our new Improved pool.

Swimming in our new improved pool. We were walking down in our togs, waiting to go inside our pool. As we walked down we waited for the pool gates to be open. When I saw the pool it looked very clean and new, and I was so excited to go in and have a swim. Misses Raj, our deputy principal had just finished talking, we ran inside really fast into our changing rooms, all of the boys already changed and were in the water waiting for the girls. 

 When all the girls were in we started to walk around in the water, then as we were walking we got ourselves a little wet, after we all practiced how to paddle our legs really gently. We held on to side rails and started to float on our stomachs, we paddle and paddle for a while. I was just floating and kicking the water as gently as I could. I felt really tired so I stopped for a moment. Then everybody started to paddle their feet again, so I quickly got up and started floating and kicking my feet. 

 After practice, we had to get into pairs of three and swim the whole length using the techniques we were taught. the first ones was Kue’a, tupou and I. We then got into position and got ready to swim. As Misses Raj said go, we quickly dived into the water paddling my arms. We got to the end all at the same time, and the next group came. We kept on going and going until we stopped. We then had to swim, only using our legs to paddle. It was really hard but I got to the end. 

 Next we had to hold our breaths underwater to practice because one day we might be swimming underwater, and I’ll just think of what I learned at school. We all took a deep breath and went straight in. As I went in, I could hear some of them popping out of the water and then I popped up screaming. I’ve just been told that I won. I was able to hold my breath for 15 seconds. We then played it one more time, and this time me and two other people got up at the same time. 

 We had freetime and played a little game. We were all running as Misses Raj was counting up to 30. After 30 seconds we all hopped out and went into the changing rooms. Misses Raj started counting up to 60. We changed put our wet clothes away. We lined up outside but some were still there. They finally finished and lined up. Today’s first of swimming really good and now I would want to go swimming everyday.

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