Water Fun Day.
All of the classes were dressed up in their house colours, yesterday was Water Fun day. We sat on the court as we waited for a few more classes to arrive. While we were waiting the kowhai house were shouting out their chant, and they had banners. Mrs.Patea our principal sent us to go and practice our chants, we were practicing as the kowhai house was getting louder, so we went even louder, after we went back to the court and were ready to start Water Fun day.
Our first activity was freetime in the swimming pool. We got into the swimming pool and we were all having fun. Some of us were doing freestyle moves, and some of us were playing silly games like tag. After a while Mrs.Kelly, one of our teachers, was giving some sticks that were full of marble. I tried to get a lot for Nikau house. Swimming was a lot of fun, but we had to move on to our next activity.
Second activity was with Mrs. Smith. For this game you have to toss a water balloon to your house, once the person catches it you pass it back and go to the back of the line. The last person has to put the water balloon in the bucket, fill the cup of water and run and pour it into the bucket. We tied with kauri, and we were allowed to pour the whole bucket into ours. Mrs. Tofa rang the bell and we moved on. Then we moved onto Mrs. Kyee activity.
I filled the yoghurt box with water, jumped into two hula hoops, ran past the cone, and went up to fill the bucket. We were going really fast, all though there were some cheaters. People were using oversized buckets. Mrs. Kyee kept spraying us with squirt guns, she was one of my favourite activities. We were then told to go to Mr. Nath. Mr. Nath’s activity was the same one every year, well all the same, but this year you had cubs with holes in it, so it was really hard to keep the water inside.
During the activity, Nikau was already on their third bucket. I saw a lot of house members from Nikau that were pouring their cups in the bucket. As the bell rang, we got ready to walk all the way to the water slide. We walked to the water slide where Mrs. Atuahiva was. We had to go house by house down the slide. When it was my turn it was really hard to keep my cup of water stable. As I went down the slide go off the slide and start rolling on the grass and then all of my water goes flying out. Some of us got injured, but they sat it out. I was on the court and I could see our teacher putting some the other houses water into the other, then the bell rang.
We went down to the juniors. Mrs. Ripata was explaining. You have to wet the sponge and do over and under, then the last person has to run to the bucket and squeeze the sponge, and water goes into the bucket. Nikau house was doing really well and some of the house were cheating, like kowhai, they were trying to soak their shirts so they have something else to squeeze in the bucket.
After that all the classes were asked to come back up to the court. We were all on the court and all of the houses were doing the chants. Then Mrs. Tofa came to announce the winners. But before we did the announcements we said our house chants starting from Rata, kowhai, Nikau and finally kauri. Then it was finally time to announce the winners. So in fourth place...was Kowhai, in third place, Kauri and 1st place was(DRUM ROLL)Nikau. Our house won, and I was really happy, then Rata house said their chant for us. For the first time ever we finally win.
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